Nude = Beauty? Animal-like, is it?
La beauté nue, une expo Demarchelier à Paris
La beauté nue, une expo Demarchelier à Paris
Il a photographié toutes les stars et les top models des années 90, était le photographe officiel de Diana, rencontre avec Patrick Demarchelier dont l'oeuvre est exposée à Paris, au Petit Palais.
A dime a dozen - that is all that they are!
All these naked bimbos - once you've seen one, you've see them all!
They are all the same; so much so, you could swear cloning has been around almost as long as that Ira Levin book made it sound to have been: The Stepford Wives, remember that? Look into it!
Once a single one has bared it all, it is just as if they'd ALL done it, I tell ya! There is nothing left to see - much less anything remotely interesting in their personalities to grasp your attention beyond that...!
This goes at least double (if not a hundred-fold) for the male models some frustrated and/or frigid desperately exasperating housewives loooove to ogle either Friday evenings or on week-ends, at Chippendale's or a cheaper sleazier strip joint! But anyway - back to chicks now!

I remember hearing a pro say it so eloquently too: "once you've seen (she might have said "licked" actually - it was such a long time ago, I hardly recall now... They're not pros to LISTEN TO, y'know...!) and felt up a boob, what else is there, eh?"
A thousand and one nude models unravel only two thousand and two nearly identical blobs... I mean, boobies - and there's nothing to it at all, really!
Nipples are nipples - get over them!
The curves, and alleged artistic way each photog has to represent them - it is all smoke and mirrors, really! Pat Demarchelier is just a Frenchman - and as any other Frenchy, he's a natural-born voyeur, that's all! And natural-born voyeurs are made that way: they NEVER get enough! Now I am not sure what Annie's problem is - but I'd say there should be such a thing as a "lesbovoyeur" too - huh? Kim Carnes would agree...
Annie Leibovitz, la photographe des stars, exposée à Londres
Really now - are we evolved or not?
If we were made to shed our clothes all the time like that, we'd all have been born (or gotten to grow up) much hairier than we get to be, in due time...!

Besides, you gotta start making sense too, people: you either like and CRAVE the naturally-grown fur (and that clothes-shedding obsession seems to indicate that there sure is an obsession there!) or you want to get rid of every last trace of body hair GOD Has ever Given ya; either through waxing, some high-techy treatment that only estheticians comprehend - or plain ol' shaving! In the latter case, after the job is all done (duh) - YOU NEED TO KEEP THE DAMN CLOTHES ON!
Oh, but that's right - then, so many of these poor starving models (artists & models...?) would be OUT OF A JOB - because shedding their clothes and striking suggestive poses is all they can do, right?
Only the (very) few accessories used in these photo shoots can add any infinitesimal sense of class and romanticism, henceforth - indeed!
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