Defeat In Victory - and vice-versa

With the obvious exceptions of games 1 and 7 (and, to be truthful, as it pertains to game 7 it is, most specifically, the exception of the last 5 minutes of the SECOND period and the last 2 minutes of the THIRD and final frame) THE BOSTON BRUINS SHOULD HAVE WON FIVE GAMES IN A ROW...
Which is far more than enough to put away any opponent in the playoffs system in place - for you only need to win (or steal) four victories in order to do so!
Just like the Montreal Canadiens did... STEAL...
They had an accomplice in game 2 - the referee. They had old friends in game 4 and throughout the series verily - the posts, the famous "Fantômes du Forum" and that big-time bitch most of you call "Lady Luck" (she is NOT a "Lady" - most of them aren't, in Montréal...! But that is another story...)
You might just as well throw in an entity to be known as "Lord Injustice" then - as the CHIEF "assistant" in Canadiens wins...
All the more reason for me to remain lukewarm about sports, indeed; all the more incentive for me to avoid and resist being "sucked in" again, tempted into believing that the team that deserves victory and all the gold the NHL has to offer (but, truth be told, the NHL offers no gold at all - they only have SILVER to hand out! On loan, on top of that! The only GOLD in the NHL, today as at any other time, remains the black'n'gold of the Boston Bruins - their admirable work ethic, perseverence and strength of character, that sticks to everyone who's ever either been a part of the organization or followed it fervently, as I did, especially circa 1988-1999... What I call the Cam Neely Golden Era (even though he retired in 1995-96, his influence lingered on and hopes of a comeback lingered on too, until about 1999.)
I could bother with a recap of this latest heartbreaking series - that went the WRONG way - but why bother with that.
In apparent defeat, the Bruins made history, impressed, proved that they were contenders for that silly Cup as much as their rivals, nearly eliminated them and SHOULD HAVE ELIMINATED THEM in spite of playing without various components of their team (Patrice Bergeron never did get medical clearance in order to make his comeback; Chuck Kobasew, the team's second goal-scorer, wasn't available either; another "secret weapon" of sorts, Alexei Zhamnov, has yet to BE USED by the Bruins; and defenseman Aaron Ward spent some time on the DL too, keeping goalie Manny Fernandez company... WITHOUT ALL OF THESE GUYS, THE BRUINS STILL CAME WITHIN A GOAL, BASICALLY, OF ELIMINATING THE ALLEGEDLY-SUPERIOR "HABS" - HA! Ponder that all summer long, as the Canadiens trip all over themselves in the next round, thoroughly spent physically, mentally and emotionally from the BRUINS series; they won't be in any condition to face anybody else!)
In alleged "victory" though, Montreal has shown nothing at all (except that they can still, and again, steal key games... That cannot always be done, though...)
And the city of Montreal LOST big time, as the post-game 7 disgraceful events on the streets of the dirty town proved: FIVE POLICE CARS BURNT TO A CRISP (one for each lucky Canadiens goal, eh? And inane onlookers who double as pathetic liars dared allege that these vandals were NOT "in any way, shape or form" Canadiens hockey fans... RIGHT. They had no clue there was a game that night, no clue what the score was (they just came up with the number 5 out of the blue) and they just spontaneously chose THAT EVENING to go crazy... RIGHT.)
On top of the police cars, various commerces were vandalized - proving that these vandals were NOT petty criminals who merely took advantage of the event that evening to even a score with the cops...
Actual Canadiens fans ARE NOT so "innocent" - as many were seen very inanely waving a little Canadiens flag (these things are so overpriced too - blame it on Carey; get it?) AS THEY PASSED BY THE POLICE CARS THAT WERE ABLAZE...!
Too bad those vehicles did not explode in their faces, eh?
All of those creepy fans were very chippy - despite all the damage being done to private, commercial and constabulary proprety all around them!
PLUS - even after stealing a series (another one) from a CLASSIER FRANCHISE, the Canadiens fans thought it not to be enough and were seen DARING to shove the few courageous FANS (and equally admirable, as the Boston Bruins themselves) that had attended the game (with overpriced ticket fares, whether said tickets come straight from the booth or from a dirty "scalper's" hands...!)
I should have been there, on the street, wearing my Bruins cap and Bruins jersey - DOUBLE-DARING anyone to gloat in my face! I would have wound up arrested, most probably, but I would have been handcuffed with a smile on my face - and blood on my hands!
As it is, of course, I am too lukewarm to even WATCH THE GAME ON TELEVISION...
Why would I run after trouble with the EXTREMELY FLAWED LAW - over all this business?
For the law sure would prove, yet again, to be extremely flawed, when it would throw the book at me for having knocked the teeth down the throat of hateful Canadiens fans who don't know how to lose, how to win, how to talk or walk for that matter - fans who know NOTHING, basically, and are the worst rabble there is on the face of this damned earth!
And Canadians (note the "a" - "-ans" not "-ens" this time) have the reputation of being a polite, gentle race/nation, with Canada, overall, getting the rep of being a country without crime or anything too heavy on its streets...?
The crime rate is not even indicative of what really goes on in the "greater metropolitan area" of this damn island now called "Montréal"...
I often likened Laval (its twin island/city) and Montréal to a new, transposed into the North American continent and these modern times, SODOM and GOMORRAH!
And it is only thanks to GOD that the wretched area ONLY HAS the Montreal Canadiens, pretty much, to go on (because their inept CFL Alouettes and inconsequential soccer club -the Montreal Impact- are never going to amount to much at all) OTHERWISE, the damn town would be the theater of MANY MORE sickening scenes of senseless rioting and total utter craziness just like it once again witnessed on the evening of April 21st, 2008:
Une émeute-suprise
Les policiers de Montréal, surpris par une émeute ayant eu lieu si tôt dans la saison des séries éliminatoires de la coupe Stanley, reverront leur stratégie en prévision des prochain matchs du Canadien.
And it is even more pathetic that the rioting WAS a "suprise" at all; that they cannot foresee these things is truly far more pathetic than the fact that they cannot spell...! I have known for YEARS now that these bozos have narrow a clue how to write or even how to speak their precious language there - and yet they insist upon preserving it and "nurturing" it (they must have meant "neutering" it then - ha.)
The only reason, also, that they don't have more of these things all over town is because, most years, logic is respected and the Montreal Canadiens SUCK - as they should!
Am I glad I was so blessed with great discernment so that I NEVER, EVER, ROOTED FOR SUCH A TEAM THAT HAS SUCH A LARGE FANBASE BASED AMONG THE RABBLE AND SCUM OF THE EARTH! Am I glad I am lukewarm as I am nowadays about a sport that rewards the unworthy - and is refereed in that specific manner as well! Am I glad that the Boston Bruins will now rest, while their battered and bruised arch-rivals will be getting MORE punishment - and ultimately LOSE, as they so deserve, LOSE to a LESSER OPPONENT TOO, JUST AS THE BOSTON BRUINS DID, JUST NOW...!
Yes, I am glad.
Montreal garnered defeat, overall, for its cheap "victory" -
while Boston achieved victory in defeat;
mounting a first historical comeback from a 3-1 series deficit (an undeserved deficit as it was, for, I repeat, the Bruins should have won games 2 through 6, inclusively; any 4 of those - they won 3 and were robbed the other two times)
showing an exemplary model for all to follow and emulate -
never giving up, in the face of apparent insurmountable tasks...
Yes - God Bless You, Boston Bruins!
May those who are bright enough to see it mold their own character upon your courageous, gritty, brave example!
Labels: Boston, Bruins, luminous pundit me
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