Years ago this would have "wowed" me ; but now... Nah!

w/AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire On ABC's The View
Fact was, she was to succeed Vieira, never to kiss Christy or anybody else, never to kiss and make up with the many enemies she made during her short tenure there either and leave the show in disgrace very fast... TOO FAST to be deemed even remotely successful. My guess is; Rosie will NOT put that job on her résumé - even though that sort of subterfuge does not apply to her situation too much, does it? ANYONE WITH EVEN NOTHING BUT AN OLD TV SET WITH AS SET OF RABBIT EARS-STYLE ANTENNA knows of Rosie's disastrous stay on 'The View' - where HER viewpoints were almost NEVER accepted nor backed up 100%...
But I digress...)
as classy as she is...
lowering herself to these tactics in order to get ratings, as she herself confessed (mere moments before putting on the moves on a very married Lemire...!)
And then moving on to NBC'S TODAY show...
Where she got the "honor" of interviewing the Mad-Onna herself, La Ciccone, Veronica Esther Electronica Louise Ciccone herself (VEELC...?) -
and candidly telling her guest
"you can kiss me if you'd like...!" (TODAY being as desperate for ratings and publicity as THE VIEW was...)
Well... all this boldness displayed by the vivacious Vieira
does leave me lukewarm - yup!
Maybe her bold statement about QUITTING
(she's professing to want to quit TODAY "with her dignity intact"...)
will change that... But I rather doubt it!
I do want to see the daring journalist with ethics here -
the TV personality with style, finesse, flair and class -
the eloquent Portuguese descent who looks absolutely "mahvelous"...!
At least Mike Ribeiro remains the most shameful one of Portuguese descent in all of North America - I think... (Strictly speaking of celebs here...)
Meredith, however...
She's good, no doubt about THAT...
She was born to do what she does!
Yet, I see only a TV hostess version of Xaviera here...!?
The names even RHYME...!
Labels: Meredith Vieira
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