songs to the tune of lukewarm and tepidness
No matter how many times the lead singer of Catherine Wheel repeats it, he really sounds quite lukewarm about touching the chick in the video there... He even seems to be shaking his head "no" quite a few times!
Maybe she's TOUCHY too - as corny as it sounds (and as corny as the song titled "Touchy" sounds too - see below). Another classic that one aficionado called "so lame and simply brilliant at the same time - 5 out of 5 stars!"
No one knows how to ask for some touching though as SAMANTHA FOX (below)
And yet, with the years, that once very daring song sounds quite lame nowadays too.
Trite, lame and lukewarm indeed! In the 80's, Samantha Fox (the singer) was no Samantha Fox (the porn star - but now it is a whole other level of "lukewarmedness" that we enter here; since porn is categorically both ridiculous and BORING. But that is indeed another story...) - and nowadays, in TURKEY of all places, she still isn't as sultry as she would want to be in order to sell herself (and lots more singles... oops, it's CDs now!)
Sam sounds at least half-convinced there, in comparison to a-ha (again) and their "time to worry" delivery in the following...
No, really - my lukewarm anthem (if I were to pick one) would not be any of the preceding nor any of the tunes in the playlist found at the bottom of this blog (!) but it would be this OTHER quirky and corny a-ha tune that convinces absolutely NO ONE... (For everyone knows that the sun does NOT always shine - neither in real life nor on television! Forecast is truly "cloudy with sunny breaks" most days of the week - throughout one's LIFE! Besides, a video shot in BLACK & WHITE can hardly succeed in aptly conveying the splendor of sunshine and the beauty of existence - real or imagined on the small screen! Everybody knows that - as surely as everybody does NOT love Raymond! *LOL*)
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