If I was Mike, I'd be lukewarm about this...
"Charles will make that decision, I will help him with that," Milbury said.
Milbury will become a vice president for Wang's sports properties. In addition to the Islanders, Wang also owns the New York Dragons of the Arena Football League."
Even though Mike is faring better in this set-up than the Islanders' coach (who is NOT Captain High Liner and was recently FIRED - for you non-hockey fans that may be reading this...!) - it still doesn't inspire much confidence I say. Why do I care, you ask? Milbury is a former Boston Bruin defenseman and head coach. He should have been GM of the Bruins ; never of the New York Islanders! And now to see him overseeing the activities of DRAGONS on top of that... sheesh!
Although it does not surprise me one bit that the city of New York has DRAGONS in it... and not in Chinatown either!
Next few names to consider for sports franchises in "Nuuuu Yerrrchh" should be, in no particular order... "Demons", "Trolls", "Gargoyles", "Monsters", "Horrors" and "Abominations"...!
But I digress...
Likewise, the Pittsburgh franchise should have never gone for something as lame as the PENGUINS for their monicker!
They should have embraced the legacy left them by local boys George (A. Romero... "G.A.R." for the underworld, I suppose...) and crew who made the FIRST MOVIE UN-CLASSIC ORIGINATING FROM PITTSBURGH, WAAAAAY BACK IN 1969 (there's that magical year again...) ~~~~~~~ NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD of course!
Hence, the team should have always been known as... the Pittsburgh Zombies!
The crowds could surely identify with that!
Mario Lemieux (the UN-Magnificent One himself...) surely SOUNDS like a zombie, whenever he opens his mouth...
Some of the old-timers that the team has salvaged, in hopes of a "quick-fix, let's-be-a-con-tender" series of moves during free agency sweeps, THEY surely give the overall line-up a definite LIVING DEAD aura... The Living Dead On Ice, granted!
Zombies On Skates!
*ROTFLMBO" Ok, enough dumping on the Pitts...
Any more names suggestions, anyone?
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 4:45 PM
An easy one to make - again influenced by the cultural background of the city in question - would be to rename the Canadiens de Montréal... the MONTREAL MORONS.
I know, I know...
Too easy...
But feels so rrrright!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 4:47 PM
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